The 13th installment of the Executive Leadership Conference (ELC) hosted by Growth Energy is off to a solid start. NextInput Head of Sales and Director of Business Development Sam Miri discusses Day 1 of the 4-day event, which takes place February 9 – 12, 2022:

Each year, Growth Energy is known to host what professionals in the biofuels industry look to as a marquee event where the world’s leaders and innovators in ethanol and energy production come together to offer panel discussions, networking opportunities and charitable fundraising. On Day 1, Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor started things off with a moving speech that discussed how the trade association is reimagining their place in the global clean energy transition from ethanol to clean energy options. She also highlighted the ways in which Growth Energy is innovating energy production overall by placing focus and attention on doing their part to fight back against climate change. From her discussion, it is clear to executives like Sam Miri that biofuels will have a strong impact on the Biden Administration in a way that could completely revolutionize energy in America, for the greater good.
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